As you take the time to start looking at different boats for sale online, you are likely going to come across several that you think look great and spark your interest. Your first instinct may be to contact the seller and let them know about your interest or perhaps even put a bid on a boat you love. Before you make a quick judgment just based on some pictures you have seen, you want to take the time to do some homework about any boat you are considering. The more you can find out about a vessel, the better off you will be in your pursuits. The first step for you to take is to find out the boat identification number before you buy so you can learn as much as you can about the boat in question.
Discovering the HIN
All boats that were built in the United States or imported after November 1, 1972 are required to have a Hull Identification Number, or HIN. This number is unique to each boat, much in the same way that the VIN number of your car is unique to that vehicle. The HIN is required as part of the boat registration process and it also must be displayed and visible on the boat itself. Since each vessel is required by federal law to have an HIN, you can find out this information from the owner or from examining the boat yourself. Once you have the number, you can then use it to get the information you need.
Boat Identification Number Before You Buy
Once you have the boat identification number, you can then turn to us at Boat Background to get all the information you need about the boat. Even though the boat may look good to you from pictures and looks in person, there may be hidden damage from a previous accident that the seller does not reveal to you. Getting a report from us can provide you with the background and boat history report so you can find out if there are any issues, accidents, financing problems and more before you finalize a sale.
We Make it Easy
All you need is the boat identification number and we at Boat Background can help you with the rest regarding the history of the boat you are looking at. Take the time to visit our website at to learn more about the services we provide and get a report for yourself so you can be sure the boat you are looking at is the right one for you.